Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Introducing the Scienkittehs - Tesla and Edison

I wish there was a way to explain to my kitties that we're moving soon! The living room has become a playground of boxes and stacks of books, which they seem to like. I'm so excited for them to have more space so they can run around and frolic and lay about in the window sills.

We are very lucky to have friends who don't even question why we're more excited about the kitties having space than us having space.
Both kitties were adopted from the Humane Society. Josh and I adopted Tesla in November of 2008, and Edison in May 2009. Tesla is huge - he's the longest kitty I've ever met, but he's a gentle giant who is so patient and loving. Edison is very outgoing, he likes to do silly things like dive bomb the bed from the top of the closet door (usually while I'm in the bed). Tesla loves to stand on the dining room table (barring anything that would cause them harm, we let our kitties do pretty much whatever they want - Josh calls them free range) and head butt peoples faces. It's the only time he'll demand attention, but if you pick him up, he's got nonstop purrs, and he'll put his front paws on your face and look into your eyes while he purrs at you. I don't know what that means, but it's pretty damned adorable. He's got such a serious face. Edison is a tiny little hellraiser who likes to jump into the bath with me, and he loves going out on his leash - so many new things to smell! Little Edweirdo loves having his face scritched, and loves playing around. Tesla is too smart for his own good, he figures out games too quickly and gets bored!

When we move we're going to be bringing another kitty with us - I'm 99% sure she's a stray, but I've been feeding/caring for her for the last year or so. She's the sweetest kitty, all she wants is a warm lap to cuddle in, and a nice big bowl of food, but so far, she hasn't had much luck with that. The house we purchased has a detached sunroom, so she will be living there until we can get her checked out by the vet. I haven't named her, because I still have to canvas the neighborhood once more just to make sure I'm not stealing someone's pet!

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